Area of Rectangle using Constructor in C++

This is a program to calculate the area of a rectangle using classes and objects in C++.

  • The Area class has two private variables length and breadth, and three public member functions GetLength(), Calculation(), and Display().
  • The constructor of the class initializes the length to 7 and breadth to 4. The GetLength() function prompts the user to enter the length and breadth of the rectangle. The Calculation() function calculates the area of the rectangle, which is the product of length and breadth. The Display() function takes the area as an argument and displays it on the screen.
  • In the main function, two objects A1 and A2 of the class Area are created. The GetLength() function is called for object A1 to get the length and breadth of the rectangle from the user. Then the Calculation() function is called to calculate the area, which is stored in the temp variable. Finally, the Display() function is called with temp as an argument to display the area.
  • Then, the Calculation() and Display() functions are called for the A2 object, which uses the default values of length and breadth (7 and 4, respectively) set by the constructor to calculate and display the area.

Overall, this program demonstrates how classes and objects can be used to encapsulate data and behavior related to a rectangle's area.

Source Code

using namespace std;
class Area
    int length;
    int breadth;
    Area(): length(7), breadth(4){ }
    void GetLength()
      cout<<"\nEnter length of the Rectangle: ";
      cout<<"\nEnter breadth of the Rectangle: ";
    int Calculation()
      return (length*breadth);
    void Display(int temp)
      cout<<"Area: "<<temp;
int main()
  Area A1,A2;
  int temp;
  cout<<endl<<"\nDefault Area when value is not taken from user"<<endl;
  return 0;
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Enter length of the Rectangle: 20
Enter breadth of the Rectangle: 10
Area: 200
Default Area when value is not taken from user
Area: 28

Program List

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