What is Bootstrap ?

Bootstrap 5 is the fifth and latest version of the popular front-end framework called Bootstrap, which is used for building responsive and mobile-first web applications. Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit developed by Twitter, and it provides a collection of CSS and JavaScript components that can be easily integrated into web projects to streamline the development process and create modern, visually appealing user interfaces.

Bootstrap Logo

Bootstrap 5 comes with several new features and improvements compared to its previous versions, including:

  1. Smaller file size: Bootstrap 5 has been optimized for performance, resulting in a smaller file size compared to Bootstrap 4, which makes web pages load faster.
  2. CSS custom properties: Bootstrap 5 uses CSS custom properties (also known as CSS variables) extensively, which allows for more flexibility and customization in terms of styling.
  3. New utility classes: Bootstrap 5 introduces new utility classes for spacing, typography, and alignment, making it easier to apply common styles to elements without having to write custom CSS.
  4. Improved grid system: The grid system in Bootstrap 5 has been enhanced with new features such as vertical alignment and equal-width columns, providing more flexibility in designing responsive layouts.
  5. Enhanced documentation: Bootstrap 5 comes with updated documentation that is more comprehensive and user-friendly, making it easier for developers to find and use the components they need.
  6. Dropped jQuery dependency: Bootstrap 5 has removed the dependency on jQuery, a popular JavaScript library, and now relies solely on vanilla JavaScript, making it more lightweight and reducing potential conflicts with other JavaScript libraries.
  7. New components: Bootstrap 5 introduces new components such as accordion, off-canvas sidebar, floating labels for form inputs, and more, allowing developers to create richer and more interactive web interfaces.

Advantages of Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
  • Bootstrap is completely free to download and use!
  • Easy and Highly Customizable
  • Very good Responsive Grid System
  • Various built-in Components
  • Bootstrap Can be Extended in various projects

History of Bootstrap

Mark Otto Bootstrap Founder Jacob Thornton Bootstrap Founder
  • Bootstrap, originally named Twitter Blueprint.
  • It was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at twitter
  • In June 2014 Bootstrap was the No.1 project on GitHub!

Previous Bootstrap Version

Version Release Date
Bootstrap 2 August 19 2013
Bootstrap 3 January 31 2012
Bootstrap 4 October 29 2014
Bootstrap 5 May 5 2021

What’s new in Bootstrap 5.2X

  • jQuery Removed
  • Switched to Vanilla JavaScript
  • Custom Font Sizes
  • Dropped Support on IE 10, IE 11
  • Change in Gutter Width (distance between each column in bootstrap grid).
  • New Icon Library
  • New Class Updates

What you will need?

  • HTML & CSS
  • Window PC / Linux / MAC
  • Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge or Safari etc.

Code Editor

  • Notepad++
  • Visual Studio Code Editor (Recommended)
  • Brackets
  • Sublime Text