Java : Switch Statement - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a program to read a weekday number and print weekday name using switch statement

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2. Write a program to read gender(M/F) and print the corresponding gender using a switch statement

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3. Write a program to Check whether a character is a vowel or consonant using switch statement

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4. Write a program to Check whether the number is even or odd using switch statement

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5. Write a program to Find the number of days in a month using a switch statement

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6. Write a program to create simple calculator using switch Statement

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7. Write a program to print remark according to the grade obtained using switch statement

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8. Write a program to Menu driven program using switch statement ( Find addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of to integer numbers )

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9. Write a program to check whether a person is eligible to vote or Not using switch statement

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10. Write a program to find the Maximum of Two Numbers using switch statement

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Basic Programs