Java : Array - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a program to Sort Numeric Array In Ascending Order

Sample Output

Array = {23, 5, 67, 20, 3, 30, 79, 3, 70, 2}

Ascending Order = {2, 3, 3, 5, 20, 23, 30, 67, 70, 79}

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2. Write a program to Sort Numeric Array In Descending Order

Sample Output

Array = {23, 5, 67, 20, 3, 30, 79, 3, 70, 2}

Descending Order = {79, 70, 67, 30, 23, 20, 5, 3, 3, 2}

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3. Write a program to print sum values of an array

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Sum Values of Array = 55

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4. Write a program to calculate the average value of array elements

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Sum of Array Value : 15

Average of Array Value : 3.0

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5. Write a program to store elements in an array and print it

Sample Output

Array Size = 5
Element of a[0] = 5
Element of a[1] = 11
Element of a[2] = 22
Element of a[3] = 33
Element of a[4] = 44

Display Array Elements

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6. Write a program in to array size to be user input print it

Sample Output

Enter the Array Limit = 4
Element of a[0] = 10
Element of a[1] = 20
Element of a[2] = 30
Element of a[3] = 40

Display Array Elements

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7. Write a program in to find the sum of all elements of the array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}

Sum of Array Elements = 210

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8. Write a program in to read n number of values in an array and display it in reverse order

Sample Output

Enter the Array Size = 5
Element of a[0] = 1
Element of a[1] = 2
Element of a[2] = 3
Element of a[3] = 4
Element of a[4] = 5

Display Reverse Order

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9. Write a program to array elements to print cubic values

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Cubic Array Elements =1 8 27 64 125

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10. Write a program to find the maximum and minimum element in an array

Sample Output

Array = {23, 4, 32, 5, 75}

Maximum Element of Array = 75

Minimum Element of Array = 4

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11. Write a program to array elements print all Odd number

Sample Output

Array = {23, 45, 67, 34, 78}

Odd Array Elements = 23 45 67

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12. Write a program to array elements print all Even number

Sample Output

Array = {23, 45, 89, 34, 12}

Even Array Elements = 34 12

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13. Write a program to array elements to print sum of Odd Numbers

Sample Output

Array = {12, 34, 59, 45, 22}

Sum of Odd Array Elements = 104

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14. Write a program to array elements to print sum of Even Numbers

Sample Output

Array = {56, 78, 45, 79, 34}

Sum of Even Array Elements = 168

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15. Write a program to array elements to print sum of Cubic Values

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Sum of Cubic Array Elements = 225

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16. Write a program in to copy the elements of one array into another array

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Copy Array Elements one to Another Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

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17. Write a program to merge two arrays elements to store third array

Sample Output

First Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

First Array = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Merge two Array Elements = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

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18. Write a program to array elements print all Positive number

Sample Output

Array = {67, -4, 3, -5, 44}

Positive Array Elements = {67, 3, 44}

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19. Write a program to array elements print all Negative number

Sample Output

Array = {-45, 32, -7, 3, -6}

Negative Array Elements = {-45, -7, -6}

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20. Write a program to array elements to print sum of Positive Numbers

Sample Output

Array = {1, -2, 3, 3, 4}

Sum of Positive Array Elements = 7

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21. Write a program to array elements to print sum of Negative Numbers

Sample Output

Array = {10, -23, 45, -10, 30}

Sum of Negative Array Elements = -33

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22. Write a program to search an element in an array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Search Array Elements = 30

Element is Found in the Position = 3

Element is Found in the Index = 2

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23. Write a program to Delete Duplicate Elements from an Array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 10, 20, 20, 30}

After Remove Duplicate Array Elements = {10, 20, 30 }

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24. Write a program to Print Unique Elements in Array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 40, 20, 10}

Display Array Unique Elements = {10, 20, 40 }

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25. Write a program to find the second smallest element in an array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 5, 2, 30}

Second Smallest Element = 5

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26. Write a program that identifies the Even elements in two arrays and creates a third array with those elements

Sample Output

First Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Second Array = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Even Element Store in Third Array = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

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27. Write a program that identifies the Odd elements in two arrays and creates a third array with those elements

Sample Output

First Array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Second Array = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Odd Element Store in Third Array = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

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28. Write a program to find the common elements between two arrays of integers

Sample Output

First Array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Second Array = {10, 30, 60, 50, 70}

Common Array Elements = {10, 30, 50}

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29. Write a program to find the second Largest element in an array

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Second Largest Element = 40

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30. Write a program to find a missing number in an array

Sample Output

Array = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}

Missing Array Number = 3

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31. Write a program to Sort an array in ascending order using quicksort

Sample Output

Array = {2, 65, 23, 13, 18, 30, 46, 17, 52, 78}

Sorted Array in Ascending Order = 2 13 17 18 23 30 46 52 65 78

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32. Write a program to Sort an array in descending order using bubble sort

Sample Output

Array = {2, 65, 23, 13, 18, 30, 46, 17, 52, 78}

Sorted Array in Descending Order = 78 65 52 46 30 23 18 17 13 2

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33. Write a program to Sort an array in ascending order using bubble sort

Sample Output

Array = {2, 65, 23, 13, 18, 30, 46, 17, 52, 78}

Sorted Array in Ascending Order = 2 13 17 18 23 30 46 52 65 78

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34. Write a program to Sort an array in descending order using selection sort

Sample Output

Array = {2, 65, 23, 13, 18, 30, 46, 17, 52, 78}

Sorted Array in Descending Order = 78 65 52 46 30 23 18 17 13 2

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35. Write a program to Sort an array in ascending order using selection sort

Sample Output

Array = {2, 65, 23, 13, 18, 30, 46, 17, 52, 78}

Sorted Array in Ascending Order = 2 13 17 18 23 30 46 52 65 78

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36. Write a program to Search an item in an array using binary search

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}

Enter Item to Search = 60

Item Found at 5 Position

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37. Write a program to Search an item into the array using linear search

Sample Output

Array = {10, 20, 30, 56, 84}

Item to Search = 30

Item Found at Index = 2

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38. Write a program to Find prime and non-prime numbers in the array

Sample Output

Array = {3, 12, 21, 11}

3 - Prime
12 - Not Prime
21 - Not Prime
11 - Prime

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39. Write a program to Move all zero at the end of the array

Sample Output

Array = {1,0,45,34,0,67,2,0,6,67,45,2,0,10}

Array after Moving Zeros to End = 1 45 34 67 2 6 67 45 2 10 0 0 0 0

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40. Write a program to Read and print a Two Dimensional array

Sample Output

Rows = 2
Columns = 3

Enter Array Elements a[0][0] = 1
Enter Array Elements a[0][1] = 2
Enter Array Elements a[0][2] = 3
Enter Array Elements a[1][0] = 4
Enter Array Elements a[1][1] = 5
Enter Array Elements a[1][2] = 6

Display 2D Array Element
1 2 3
4 5 6

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Basic Programs