Run MongoDB Queries in Visual Studio Code Terminal


  • Install MongoDB on your system, if it's not already installed. You can download the MongoDB community server from the official website.
  • Once MongoDB is installed, open a new terminal window in Visual Studio Code.
  • Type mongo in the terminal window and press enter. This will start the MongoDB shell.
  • To connect to a MongoDB database, type the following command and replace "database_name" with the name of your database: use database_name This will switch to the specified database.
  • Now, you can run MongoDB queries in the terminal window. For example, to show all documents in a collection, type: db.collection_name.find() Replace "collection_name" with the name of your collection.
  • You can also run more complex queries using MongoDB's query language. For example, to find documents where the "name" field contains the word "john", type: db.collection_name.find({ name: "john" }) This will return all documents where the "name" field matches "john".
  • Once you are done with the MongoDB shell, type exit in the terminal window to close it.


In MongoDB, if you don't provide an _id field when inserting a document, MongoDB will automatically create one for you. However, if you want to create your own _id field, you can do so by following these steps:

When inserting a new document, include an _id field with a unique value. You can use any value you like, as long as it's unique within the collection.

For example, let's say you want to insert a new document into a collection called "students" with an _id of "1". Here's how you would do it:


If you try to insert a document with an _id value that already exists in the collection, MongoDB will return an error. So make sure you choose a unique value for the _id field.