Conditional Operators Example Program in Dart

This is a code written in Dart programming language. It starts with a comment //?:. This is a single-line comment and is ignored by the Dart compiler.

The next line declares a variable a and assigns the integer value 50 to it using the var keyword, which allows the Dart compiler to infer the data type based on the value assigned.

The following line declares a variable res and initializes it with a ternary operator a>10 ? 'A is Greater Than 10':'A is Lesser Than 10'. The ternary operator is a shorthand for an if-else statement. If the condition a>10 is true, the value 'A is Greater Than 10' is assigned to the variable res, else 'A is Lesser Than 10' is assigned.

The print() statement is used to display the value of res on the console. The next line declares a variable b and assigns the integer value 25 to it using the var keyword.

The following line declares a variable x and initializes it with a ternary operator a>b?a:b. This ternary operator compares the values of a and b. If a is greater than b, the value of a is assigned to x, otherwise the value of b is assigned to x.

The last print() statement displays the value of x on the console using string interpolation. The ${x} syntax is used to insert the value of x into the string. Overall, this code compares the values of a and b, and displays the greatest value on the console.

Source Code

void main() {
  var a=50;
  var res=a>10 ? 'A is Greater Than 10':'A is Lesser Than 10';
  var b=25;
  var x=a>b?a:b;
  print("The Greatest Number is ${x}");
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A is Greater Than 10
The Greatest Number is 50