Comments Example Program in Dart

This code is also written in the Dart programming language and defines a main() function. However, it includes some additional comments. Here's a breakdown of the comments in this code:

  • // Single Line Comment: This is a single-line comment, which is used to add notes or explanations to the code. In Dart, any text following the // characters on a single line is treated as a comment and is ignored by the Dart compiler.
  • print('Welcome to Tutor Joes'); : This line calls the print() function to output the text "Welcome to Tutor Joes" to the console.
  • /* Multiline Comment: This is the start of a multiline comment, which is used to add longer explanations or notes to the code. In Dart, any text between the /* and */ characters is treated as a comment and is ignored by the Dart compiler.
  • print('Welcome to Tutor Joes');: This line is also commented out and will not be executed because it's inside the multiline comment.
  • /// Documentation Comment: This is a special type of comment in Dart called a documentation comment, which is used to document the code and generate API documentation. Documentation comments start with three slashes (///) and are often used to describe the purpose and behavior of classes, functions, and other program elements.
  • /// Tutor Joes: This line is also part of the documentation comment and is an example of how to use documentation comments to provide additional details about the program or its authors.

Overall, comments are an important part of writing clear, well-documented code, and Dart provides several ways to add comments and documentation to your programs.

Source Code

void main()
  //Single Line Comment
  print('Welcome to Tutor Joes');
  /* Multiline Comment
  print('Welcome to Tutor Joes');
  print('Welcome to Tutor Joes');
  print('Welcome to Tutor Joes');
  ///Documentation Comment
  ///Tutor Joes
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Welcome to Tutor Joes