HTML5 Tags List for Beginners

HTML tags are like keywords which defines that how web browser will format and display the content. With the help of tags, a web browser can distinguish between an HTML content and a simple content.

In this blog, we will discuss some essential and basic HTML tags with examples.An HTML file must have some essential tags so that web browser can differentiate between a simple text and HTML text. You can use as many tags you want as per your code requirement.

  • All tags must enclosed within < > brackets.
  • HTML Tags perform different tasks.
  • If you have used an pair tags they must within open tag <tagname>, then you must use a close tag </tagname>

New HTML5 Tags and Its Features

1 <area> It defines the area of an image map.
2 <article> Defines self-contained content.
3 <aside> Mainly represented as sidebar.
4 <audio> It is used to embed sound content in HTML document.
5 <bdi> Used to provide isolation for that part of text which may be formatted in different directions from its surrounding text.
6 <canvas> It is used to provide a graphics space within a web page.
7 <data> Used to link the content with the machine-readable translation.
8 <datalist> Used to provide a predefined list for input option.
9 <details> It defines additional details which user can either view or hide.
10 <dialog> It defines a dialog box or other interactive components.
11 <embed> Used as embedded container for external file/application/media
12 <figcaption> It is used to add a caption
13 <figure> It is used to define the self-contained content, and s mostly refer as single unit.
14 <footer> It defines the footer section of a webpage.
15 <header> It defines the header of a section or webpage.
16 <main> It represents the main content of an HTML document.
17 <mark> It represents a highlighted text.
18 <meta> It defines metadata of an HTML page.
19 <meter> It defines scalar measurement with known range.
20 <nav> It represents section of page to represent navigation links.
21 <output> It is used as container element which can show result of a calculation.
22 <picture> It defines more than one source element and one image element.
23 <progress> It defines the progress of a task within HTML document.
24 <rp> It defines an alternative content if browser does not supports ruby annotations.
25 <section> It defines a generic section for a document.
26 <source> It defines multiple media resources for different media element such as <picture>, <video>, and <audio> element.
27 <summary> It defines summary which can be used with <details> tag.
28 <time> It is used to define data/time within an HTML document.
29 <video> It is used to embed a video content with an HTML document.
30 <wbr> It defines a position within text where break line is possible.