Multiple Inheritance in Python

Multiple Inheritance is a feature of object-oriented programming where a class can inherit attributes and methods from multiple parent classes. In Python, a class can inherit from multiple parent classes by specifying multiple base classes in the class definition, separated by commas. The class that inherits from multiple parent classes is called a derived or child class, while the parent classes are known as base or parent classes.

  Syntax :
         class Parent1 :
                  # attributes and methods of Parent1
         class Parent2 :
                  # attributes and methods of Parent2
         class Child( Parent1, Parent2 ) :
                  # attributes and methods of Child

Source Code

# Multiple Inheritance
class Father:
    def fishing(self):
        print("Fishing in Rivers")
    def chess(self):
        print("Playing Chess From Father")
class Mother:
    def cooking(self):
        print("Cooking Food")
    def chess(self):
        print("Playing Chess From Mother")
class Son(Mother,Father):
    def ride(self):
        print("Riding Bicycle")
o = Son()
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Riding Bicycle
Fishing in Rivers
Cooking Food
Playing Chess From Mother

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