Python : Math - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a Python program to convert degree to radian

Sample Output

Degree = 90

Degree to Radian = 1.5707963267948966

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2. Write a Python program to convert radian to degree.

Sample Output

Radian = 2

Radian to Degree = 114.59155902616465

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3. Write a Python program to calculate the area of a trapezoid.

Sample Output

Area = ( ( base1 + base2 ) / 2 ) * height

Height of Trapezoid = 2

Base 1 = 3

Base 2 = 2

Area = 5.0

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4. Write a Python program to calculate the area of a parallelogram

Sample Output

Area = base * height

Base = 5

Height = 3.4

Area of the parallelogram = 17.0

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5. Write a Python program to calculate surface volume and area of a cylinder

Sample Output

Radius of the Cylinder = 2.4

Height of the Cylinder = 3

Volume of the Cylinder = 54.28672105403163 cubic units

Lateral surface area of the Cylinder = 45.23893421169302 square units

Total surface area of the Cylinder = 81.43008158104743 square units

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6. Write a Python program to calculate surface volume and area of a sphere

Sample Output

Radius of Sphere = 2.3

Surface Area of the Sphere = 66.47610054996001

Volume of the Sphere = 50.965010421636

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7. Write a Python program to calculate arc length of an angle.

Sample Output

Angle in Degrees = 35

Radius = 25

Arc Length = 15.271630954950384

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8. Write a Python program to calculate the discriminant value.

Sample Output

Discriminant = b2−4ac
If D > 0, it indicates that there are two real solutions.
If D = 0, there is one real solution (a repeated root).
If D < 0, there are no real solutions (complex roots).

Enter the A Value = 1

Enter the B Value = -3

Enter the C Value = 2

Two Solutions. Discriminant value is = 1.0

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9. Write a Python program to find the smallest multiple of the first n numbers. Also, display the factors.

Sample Output

Enter a positive integer (n) = 6

The smallest multiple of the first 6 numbers is = 60

Factors of the smallest multiple = [2, 3, 5]

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10. Write a Python program to calculate the difference between the squared sum of first n natural numbers and the sum of squared first n natural numbers.(default value of number=2).

Sample Output

N = 23

The for loop iterates through each natural number from 1 to 23
Calculate the sum of the squares of each number(num * num)
Calculate the sum of the numbers and square it (square_of_sum += num)
Square the final sum obtained in square of sum(square_of_sum ** 2)
Calculate the difference between the square of sum and the sum of squares (square_of_sum - sum_of_squares)

Calculated difference = 71852

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11. Write a Python program to calculate the sum of all digits of the base to the specified power

Sample Output

Base Number = 5

Power Number = 12

Sum of digits = 28

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12. Write a Python program to print sum of all divisors of a number

Sample Output

Enter the Number = 12

Sum of All Divisors = 16

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13. Write a Python program to print all permutations of a given string (including duplicates)

Sample Output

Enter the Values = 234

[ '234' , '324' , '342' , '243' , '423' , '432' ]

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14. Write a Python program to multiply two integers without using the * operator in python

Sample Output

Number 1 = 12

Number 2 = 34

Multiplication = 408

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15. Write a python program to find the next smallest palindrome of a specified number

Sample Output

Enter the Number = 23454

The Next smallest palindrome after 23454 is = 23532

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16. Write a python program to find the next previous palindrome of a specified number

Sample Output

Enter the Number = 2374

Previous Palindrome = 2332

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17. Write a Python program to convert a float to ratio

Sample Output

Enter a float number = 9.2

The ratio of 9.2 is = 46/5

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18. Write a Python program to print number with commas as thousands separators (from right side)

Sample Output

Number = 2550000

Formatted Number = 2,550,000

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19. Write a Python program to calculate distance between two points using latitude and longitude

Sample Output

Starting latitude = 37.7749

Starting longitude = -122.4194

Ending latitude = 34.0522

Ending longitude = -118.2437

Distance = 559.12 km

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20. Write a python program to calculate the area of a regular polygon

Sample Output

Number of Sides = 3

Length of a Side = 45

Area of the Polygon = 876.8507

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21. Write a Python program to calculate wind chill index

Sample Output

wind Speed in kilometers/hour = 21.3

Temperature in Degrees Celsius = 34.5

The wind chill index is 38.0

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22. Write a Python program to find the roots of a quadratic function

Sample Output

Quadratic function = (a * x^2) + b*x + c

A Number = 2

B Number = 5

C Number = 3

There are Two Roots = -1.0 and -1.5

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23. Write a Python program to convert a binary number to decimal number

Sample Output

Binary Number = 100100

Decimal Number = 36

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24. Write a Python program to print a complex number and its real and imaginary parts

Sample Output

X Number = 12

Y Number = 16

Complex Number = (12+16j)

Real Part = 12.0

Imaginary Part = 16.0

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25. Write a Python program to add, subtract, multiply and division of two complex numbers

Sample Output

complex1 = (2+5j)

complex2 = (5-3j)

Addition of Two Complex Numbers = (7+2j)

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26. Write a Python program to get the length and the angle of a complex number

Sample Output

Real = 3

Imaginary = 4

Length of a Complex Number = 5.0

Complex Number Angle = 1.5707963267948966

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27. Write a Python program to convert Polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates

Sample Output

Polar Coordinates = (5.0, 0.9272952180016122)

Convert Polar to rectangular Coordinates = (-2+2.4492935982947064e-16j)

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28. Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum numbers from the specified decimal numbers

Sample Output

Multiple Decimal Points with Comma Separate = 23.45 , 67.23 , 1.45 , 89.67 , 0.34

Maximum = 89.67

Minimum = 0.34

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29. Write a Python program to get the square root and exponential of a given decimal number

Sample Output

Decimal number = 64.0

Square root of 64.0 is = 8.0

Eresponential of 64.0 is = 6235149080811616882909238709

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30. Write a Python program to display the fraction instances of the string representation of a number

Sample Output

["2.3", "7.5", "6.32", "5.1"]

Convert each Decimal to a Fraction

2.3 = 23/10

7.5 = 15/2

6.32 = 158/25

5.1 = 51/10

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31. Write a Python program to generate random float numbers in a specific numerical range

Sample Output

Generate and print 10 random float numbers. You'll get different sets of random
float numbers each time, with each number being within its specified range.

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32. Write a Python program to generate random integers in a specific numerical range.

Sample Output

Generate and print 10 random integer numbers. You'll get different sets of random
integer numbers each time, with each number being within its specified range.

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33. Write a Python program to generate random even integers in a specific numerical range.

Sample Output

Generate and print 10 random even integer numbers. You'll get different sets of random
even integer numbers each time, with each number being within its specified range.

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34. Write a Python program to get a single random element from a specified string

Sample Output

String = Python Exercise

Random Element = o

In this example, the random element selected from the string is "o". However,
since it's a random process, the output may vary each time you run the program,
and you might get a different character as the random element.

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35. Write a Python program to shuffle the following elements randomly

Sample Output

Numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

Shuffle Numbers = [30, 50, 70, 60, 10, 100, 40, 90, 80, 20]

Each time the program runs, the elements of the list numbers are shuffled
randomly and printed to the console.

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36 .Write a Python program to flip a coin 1000 times and count heads and tails

Sample Output

Flipping a coin 100 times and counts the number of heads and tail.
Randomly select either "heads" or "tails" for each flip.

Heads = 62

Tails = 38

"Heads" appeared 62 times, and "Tails" appeared 38 times. Since it's based on
random selection, the actual results may vary each time you run the code

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37. Write a Python program to randomly select an item from a list

Sample Output

book = [ "C" , "C++" , "JAVA" , "PYTHON" , "MYSQL" , "PHP" ]

Randomly select one of the items from the book list, and the
output will display the selected book

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38.Write a Python program to calculate the absolute value of a floating point number

Sample Output

Values = -45.56

Absolute Values = 45.56

Values = 0.1

Absolute Values = 0.1

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39. Write a Python function to round up a number to specified digits

Sample Output

Number = 88.24573
Round up to the nearest whole number = 89
Round up to one decimal place = 88.3
Round up to two decimal places = 88.25
Round up to three decimal places = 88.246
Round up to four decimal places = 88.2458

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40. Write a Python program to find perfect squares between two given numbers

Sample Output

Start Number = 1

End Number = 49

Perfect Squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]

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41. Write a Python program to that takes an integer and rearrange the digits to create two maximum and minimum numbers

Sample Output

Numbers = 2014

Minimum Numbers = 0124

Maximum Numbers = 4210

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42. Write a Python program to check the absolute difference between two consecutive digits is two or not. Return true otherwise false

Sample Output

Enter a number: 2468

The absolute difference between consecutive digits is two

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43. Write a Python program to check whether a given number is a Disarium number or unhappy number

Sample Output

Enter the Number = 56

56 is Not Disarium Number

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44. Write a Python program to cap a number within the inclusive range specified by the given boundary values x and y

  1. If num falls within the range (a, b), return num
  2. Otherwise, return the nearest number in the range
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45. Write a Python program to calculate the Hamming distance between two given values

  1. Use the XOR operator (^) to find the bit difference between the two numbers
  2. Use bin() to convert the result to a binary string
  3. Convert the string to a list and use count() of str class to count and return the number of 1s in it
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46. Write a Python program to get the sum of the powers of all the numbers from start to end (both inclusive)

  1. Use range() in combination with a list comprehension to create a list of elements in the desired range raised to the given power
  2. Use sum() to add the values together
  3. Omit the second argument, power, to use a default power of 2
  4. Omit the third argument, start, to use a default starting value of 1
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47. Write a Python program to get the nth tetrahedral number from a given integer(n) value

Sample Output

T(n) = (n * (n + 1) * (n + 2)) / 6

Enter the Number = 23

Tetrahedral Number = 2300.0

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48. Write a Python program to calculate the aliquot sum of an given integer

Sample Output

Integer = 12

Aliquot sum = 16

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49. Write a Python program to convert a given float value to ratio

Sample Output

Float value: 23.56

Fraction Representation = 589/25

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50. Write a Python program to generate a series of unique random numbers

Sample Output

Create a list of numbers from 0 to 49 and shuffle it.

Random Number = 46

Do You Want Another Random Number? (Y/N) = Y

Random Number = 4

Do You Want Another Random Number? (Y/N) = N

Generates the random number 46. Then, it asks if you want another random number.
You choose 'Y' (Yes), so it generates and displays 4. Finally, it asks if you want
another random number again. This time, you choose 'N' (No), so the program stops

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