A Comprehensive Overview of How Python Django Works

MTV stands for Model-View-Template, which is a design pattern used in Django, a popular Python web framework. It is a variation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which separates an application into three interconnected components for easier maintenance and scalability.

In Django, the Model represents the database schema and the data that is stored in it. The View is responsible for handling HTTP requests and returning responses. The Template is used to generate HTML pages that are sent back to the user.


Here's a brief overview of each component in Django's MTV pattern:

  • Model : Defines the database schema and contains methods for interacting with the data. Models are typically defined in the models.py file of an app.
  • View : Handles HTTP requests and returns HTTP responses. Views can be defined as functions or classes, and are typically stored in the views.py file of an app.
  • Template : Defines the structure of the HTML pages that are sent back to the user. Templates are typically stored in the templates directory of an app.

Together, these components provide a clear separation of concerns and make it easier to maintain and extend a Django application.

File Structure of Django Application


Pipfile is a file used by the Pipenv package manager to specify the dependencies of a Python project. Pipenv is a popular package manager for Python that aims to simplify dependency management and virtual environment creation.

In a Django project, you can use Pipenv to manage your Python dependencies. To create a Pipfile, navigate to your project directory and run pipenv install. This will create a new virtual environment and a Pipfile that specifies the dependencies required by your project.

The Pipfile typically includes the name and version number of each required package, as well as any additional options or flags that should be used during installation. For example, the Pipfile might include a line like this:


Pipfile is a file used by the Pipenv package manager to specify the dependencies of a Python project. Pipenv is a popular package manager for Python that aims to simplify dependency management and virtual environment creation.In a Django project, you can use Pipenv to manage your Python dependencies. To create a Pipfile, navigate to your project directory and run pipenv install. This will create a new virtual environment and a Pipfile that specifies the dependencies required by your project.

The Pipfile typically includes the name and version number of each required package, as well as any additional options or flags that should be used during installation. For example, the Pipfile might include a line like this:

manage.py is a command-line utility that comes with every Django project. It is used to perform various administrative tasks, such as creating a new Django app, running the development server, and creating database tables.

manage.py is a Python script that sits in the root directory of your Django project. When you run it with a specific command, it loads the settings for your project and performs the requested task.

Here are some of the most commonly used manage.py commands:

  • runserver: Starts the development server.
  • startapp: Creates a new Django app within your project.
  • makemigrations: Creates new database migration files based on changes to your models.
  • migrate: Applies database migrations to create or update database tables.
  • createsuperuser: Creates a new superuser account for the Django admin.
  • test: Runs tests for your Django project.

You can run manage.py commands by navigating to the root directory of your Django project in a command-line interface and typing python manage.py <command>. You can also get a list of all available commands by running python manage.py help.

db.sqlite3 is a file that contains the SQLite database used by a Django project. SQLite is a lightweight and self-contained database engine that is often used in Django projects for development and testing purposes.

  • When you create a new Django project, a default SQLite database is created automatically. The db.sqlite3 file is created in the project directory and contains the initial database schema for your project.
  • You can interact with the SQLite database using the Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system. The ORM allows you to define models that map to database tables, and provides a Pythonic interface for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data in the database.
  • To use the default SQLite database in your Django project, you don't need to make any changes to your project settings. Django will automatically use the default database unless you specify otherwise in your settings file.
  • However, for production use, it is generally recommended to use a more powerful and scalable database engine such as PostgreSQL or MySQL. These databases can handle more traffic and offer more advanced features than SQLite.

__init__.py is a special Python file that is used to mark a directory as a Python package. In Django, it is used to define the package structure of an app or a project.

When you create a new Django app or project, you will notice that each directory contains an __init__.py file. This file can be left empty or it can contain Python code.

In the context of a Django app, the __init__.py file can be used to:

  • Import app configuration classes
  • Define signals
  • Register custom template tags and filters
  • Set default app configurations
  • Import models to ensure they are loaded properly

In the context of a Django project, the __init__.py file is typically left empty. However, it can be used to:

  • Define common settings that are shared across multiple apps
  • Import third-party libraries or modules
  • Define custom middleware

Overall, the __init__.py file is an important part of the Python packaging system and is used in Django to help define the structure and behavior of a project or app.

asgi.py is a file in a Django project that is used to serve the project using ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) instead of the traditional WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface).

ASGI is a specification for asynchronous web servers that allows for better handling of long-lived connections such as WebSockets, chat systems, and other real-time applications. In contrast, WSGI is a synchronous interface that is designed for handling short-lived HTTP requests and responses.

The asgi.py file is typically used in conjunction with a server that supports ASGI, such as Daphne or uvicorn. To use ASGI with your Django project, you can modify your asgi.py file to import your project's application object and serve it using an ASGI server.

Here is an example of what an asgi.py file might look like:

import os
	from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
	os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')
	application = get_asgi_application()

In this example, the get_asgi_application() function returns a callable ASGI application that can be served by an ASGI server. The os.environ line sets the project's DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to point to the project's settings file.

settings.py is a file in a Django project that contains the settings and configuration for the project. It includes information such as database settings, installed apps, middleware, static and media files, authentication settings, and more.

The settings.py file is an essential part of a Django project, as it defines how the project behaves and how it interacts with external systems such as databases, cache systems, and email servers.

Here is an overview of some of the most important settings in settings.py:

  • SECRET_KEY : A secret key used for cryptographic signing and validation. This should be kept secret and not shared with others.
  • DEBUG : A boolean that determines whether debug mode is enabled. In debug mode, more detailed error messages are displayed and Django serves static files.
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS : A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security feature that helps prevent HTTP Host header attacks.
  • DATABASES : A dictionary containing the configuration for the project's databases, including the engine, name, user, and password.
  • INSTALLED_APPS : A list of strings representing the names of the installed apps in the project. Each app can define its own models, views, and templates.
  • MIDDLEWARE : A list of middleware classes that are run in the request-response cycle. Middleware can modify requests, responses, or both.
  • STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT : Settings related to serving static files such as CSS and JavaScript files.
  • MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT : Settings related to serving user-uploaded media files such as images and videos.

urls.py is a file in a Django project that contains the URL routing configuration for the project. It maps URLs to views, allowing the project to respond to requests from users and display the appropriate content.

In urls.py, you define a list of URL patterns, each of which is associated with a view function that is responsible for handling the request and returning a response.

Here is an example of what a urls.py file might look like:

from django.urls import path
	from . import views
	urlpatterns = [
	path('', views.index, name='index'),
	path('about/', views.about, name='about'),
	path('contact/', views.contact, name='contact'),

In this example, we are importing the path function from django.urls, and three views from the current application's views.py module: index, about, and contact. We then define a list of URL patterns using the path function, with each URL pattern specifying a URL path and a view function to handle the request.

For example, the first URL pattern maps the root URL ('/') to the index view, and gives it the name 'index'. The second URL pattern maps the URL '/about/' to the about view, and gives it the name 'about'. The third URL pattern maps the URL '/contact/' to the contact view, and gives it the name 'contact'.

URL patterns can also include variables, allowing for more complex routing. For example:

from django.urls import path
	from . import views
	urlpatterns = [
	path('blog/', views.blog_index, name='blog_index'),
		path('blog/<int:year>/<int:month>/', views.blog_archive, name='blog_archive'),
		path('blog/<int:pk>/', views.blog_post_detail, name='blog_post_detail'),

In this example, we have three URL patterns, each of which includes one or more variable parts. The second URL pattern includes two variables, year and month, which are passed to the blog_archive view as arguments. The third URL pattern includes a single variable, pk, which is used to look up a specific blog post in the blog_post_detail view.

wsgi.py is a file in a Django project that serves as the entry point for the project's WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) application. WSGI is a specification for a universal interface between web servers and web applications, allowing different web servers and application frameworks to work together seamlessly.

In a Django project, the wsgi.py file is responsible for setting up the WSGI application object and loading the Django application code. It typically includes a few lines of code that import the necessary modules and call the get_wsgi_application function, which returns a WSGI application object.

Here is an example of what a wsgi.py file might look like:

import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')
application = get_wsgi_application()

In this example, we are importing the os module and the get_wsgi_application function from django.core.wsgi. We then set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to the path of our project's settings module (in this case, myproject.settings), and finally call get_wsgi_application to create the WSGI application object.

Once the WSGI application object has been created, it can be run by a WSGI-compliant web server such as Apache or Nginx.

Here's a comparison of wsgi.py and asgi.py

ProtocolSynchronous (WSGI)Asynchronous (ASGI)
Web ServerWorks with synchronous web serversWorks with asynchronous web servers
Request HandlingOnly supports blocking request handlingSupports both blocking and non-blocking request handling
PerformanceMay not be as efficient as ASGI in high-concurrency scenariosMore efficient in high-concurrency scenarios
Import statementfrom django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_applicationfrom django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
Application objectget_wsgi_application()get_asgi_application()

Overall, the choice between wsgi.py and asgi.py depends on the specific requirements of your Django project. If your project requires support for asynchronous web servers and non-blocking request handling, asgi.py and ASGI may be a better choice. If your project is simpler and does not require asynchronous support, wsgi.py and WSGI may be sufficient.