Characters and their occurrence count, excluding punctuation, in a sentence

The code processes a sentence and creates a dictionary named char_occurrence_no_punct using a dictionary comprehension in Python. This dictionary maps characters that occur in the sentence to their respective counts, excluding punctuation characters. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:

  • import string: This line imports the string module, which provides a string containing all ASCII punctuation characters.
  • sentence = "Hello, how are you?": This line defines a string variable called sentence containing the sentence "Hello, how are you?"
  • char_occurrence_no_punct = {char: sentence.count(char) for char in set(sentence) if char not in string.punctuation}: This line creates the char_occurrence_no_punct dictionary using a dictionary comprehension. Here's how it works:
    • {char: sentence.count(char) for char in set(sentence) if char not in string.punctuation} is the dictionary comprehension. It performs the following steps:
    • set(sentence) creates a set of distinct characters from the sentence.
    • for char in set(sentence) iterates over each distinct character in the set.
    • char not in string.punctuation checks if the character is not in the string string.punctuation, which contains all punctuation characters.
    • If a character is not a punctuation character, it creates a key-value pair in the dictionary. The key (char) is the character itself, and the value (sentence.count(char)) is the count of how many times that character appears in the sentence.
  • print(sentence): This line prints the original sentence, which is "Hello, how are you?", to the console.
  • print(char_occurrence_no_punct): This line prints the char_occurrence_no_punct dictionary to the console.

Source Code

import string
sentence = "Hello, how are you?"
char_occurrence_no_punct = {char: sentence.count(char) for char in set(sentence) if char not in string.punctuation}


Hello, how are you?
{'H': 1, ' ': 3, 'h': 1, 'r': 1, 'y': 1, 'u': 1, 'a': 1, 'l': 2, 'o': 3, 'w': 1, 'e': 2}

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