Manipulate addClass and removeClass using jQuery in Tamil

In jQuery, addClass() and removeClass() are methods used for dynamically manipulating the classes of HTML elements. These methods provide a convenient way to add or remove CSS classes to/from elements on a webpage, allowing for dynamic changes to the styling of those elements.

addClass() Method :

The addClass() method is used to add one or more classes to the selected elements.

$(selector).addClass(className1, className2, ...)
  • selector : A string containing a selector expression to match the elements against.
  • className1, className2, ... : One or more class names to be added to the elements.

removeClass() Method :

The removeClass() method is used to remove one or more classes from the selected elements.

$(selector).removeClass(className1, className2, ...)
  • selector : A string containing a selector expression to match the elements against.
  • className1, className2, ... : One or more class names to be removed from the elements.


  • These methods are often used in response to user interactions, such as button clicks or other events.
  • You can add or remove multiple classes by separating them with spaces within a single addClass() or removeClass() call.
  • These methods are commonly used to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces, where the appearance of elements can change based on user actions.

Source Code

  • $('#b1').click(function(){...}); : This code sets up a click event handler for the button with the ID 'b1'. When this button is clicked, it adds the 'design' class to the <h3> element.
  • $('#b2').click(function(){...}); : This code sets up a click event handler for the button with the ID 'b2'. When this button is clicked, it removes the 'design' class from the <h3> element.
  • Initially, the heading "Tutor Joes" has the 'design' class applied, so it has a red color, a font size of 25px, and a specific font family.
  • Clicking the "Show" button (#b1) has no visible effect because the 'design' class is already applied.
  • Clicking the "Hide" button (#b2) removes the 'design' class from the <h3> element, resulting in the removal of the specific styling defined in the 'design' class.
  • Subsequent clicks on the "Show" and "Hide" buttons toggle the presence of the 'design' class, affecting the styling of the <h3> element dynamically.
		<title>Add and Remove</title>
				   font-size: 25px;   
				   font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;    
    <h3 class='design'>Tutor Joes</h3>
    <button id='b1'>Show</button>
    <button id='b2'>hide</button>
	<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>

In summary, addClass() and removeClass() are powerful tools in jQuery for dynamically modifying the classes of HTML elements, allowing for flexible and responsive styling in web applications.