Population Program in Python

In a town, the percentage of men is 52. The percentage of total literacy is 48. If total percentage of literate men is 35 of the total population, write a program to find the total number of illiterate men and women if the population of the town is 80,000.

This program calculates the population, literacy rate, and gender breakdown of a fictional population with a total of 80000 people. It first calculates the number of men and women in the population by assuming that men make up 52% of the population, and women make up the remaining 48%. Then, it calculates the literacy rate of the population by assuming that 48% of the population is literate. From there, it calculates the number of literate men and women by assuming that 35% of men and the corresponding percentage of women are literate. Finally, it calculates the number of non-literate men and women by subtracting the number of literate men and women from the total number of men and women, respectively. The program then prints out these values for the population, men, women, literacy, literate men and women, non-literate men and women.

Source Code

litwomen= poplit-litmen
print("Total Population          : ",pop)
print("Total Mens                : ",popmen)
print("Total Womens              : ",popwomen)
print("Total Literacy            : ",poplit)
print("Total Literacy Mens       : ",litmen)
print("Total Literacy Womens     : ",litwomen)
print("Total Not Literacy Mens   : ",unlitmen)
print("Total Not Literacy Womens : ",unlitwomen)


Total Population          :  80000
Total Mens                :  41600.0
Total Womens              :  38400.0
Total Literacy            :  38400.0
Total Literacy Mens       :  14560.0
Total Literacy Womens     :  23840.0
Total Not Literacy Mens   :  27040.0
Total Not Literacy Womens :  14560.0

Example Programs