Create a set of strings with all characters capitalized from a list of strings

This Python code uses a set comprehension to create a set named capitalized_strings, which contains strings where each word is capitalized. Here's how the code works:

  • capitalized_strings = {' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in string.split()]) for string in strings}: This line initializes the set capitalized_strings using a set comprehension.
    • for string in strings: This part of the code iterates through each string in the strings list.
    • string.split(): It splits the current string into a list of words, separating them by spaces.
    • [word.capitalize() for word in string.split()]: It iterates through the words in the list and capitalizes the first letter of each word.
    • ' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in string.split()]): It joins the capitalized words back together into a single string, separating them with spaces.
  • print(strings): This line of code prints the original list of strings, which is ["apple", "banana", "cherry"], to the console.
  • print(capitalized_strings): This line of code prints the capitalized_strings set, which contains the strings with capitalized words, to the console.

Source Code

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
capitalized_strings = {' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in string.split()]) for string in strings}


['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
{'Banana', 'Apple', 'Cherry'}

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