Write a Python program to convert a given string into a list of words

The program is written in Python and demonstrates the usage of string manipulation methods in Python.

  • str1 = "Tutor Joes Computer Education" creates a string variable str1 with the value "Tutor Joes Computer Education".
  • print(str1.split(" ")) splits the string str1 into a list of substrings using the whitespace character " " as the separator. The resulting list is ['Tutor', 'Joes', 'Computer', 'Education'] and is printed to the console.
  • str2 = "Tutor Joes,Computer Education" creates another string variable str2 with the value "Tutor Joes,Computer Education".
  • print(str2.split(",")) splits the string str2 into a list of substrings using the comma "," as the separator. The resulting list is ['Tutor Joes', 'Computer Education'] and is printed to the console.
  • str1 = "Tutor-Joes-Computer-Education" reassigns the value of str1 to be "Tutor-Joes-Computer-Education".
  • print(str1.split("-")) splits the string str1 into a list of substrings using the dash "-" as the separator. The resulting list is ['Tutor', 'Joes', 'Computer', 'Education'] and is printed to the console.
  • str1 = "2014-06-8" reassigns the value of str1 to be "2014-06-8".
  • print(str1.partition("-")) splits the string str1 into a tuple of three substrings using the first occurrence of the dash "-" as the separator. The resulting tuple is ('2014', '-', '06-8') and is printed to the console

Source Code

str1 = "Tutor Joes Computer Education"
print(str1.split(" "))
str2 = "Tutor Joes,Computer Education"
str1 = "Tutor-Joes-Computer-Education"
str1 = "2014-06-8"


['Tutor', 'Joes', 'Computer', 'Education']
['Tutor Joes', 'Computer Education']
['Tutor', 'Joes', 'Computer', 'Education']
('2014', '-', '06-8')

Example Programs