Multiple Inheritance Levels in Java

Create a Java program to demonstrate multiple levels of inheritance with abstract classes

  • The Animal class is declared as abstract with an abstract method makeSound().
  • The Mammal class extends Animal and is also declared as abstract with an abstract method move().
  • The Dog class extends Mammal and provides concrete implementations for both makeSound() and move() methods.
  • In the main method, an instance of Dog is created, and its makeSound() and move() methods are called, resulting in the output of "Dog barks" and "Dog runs" respectively.

Source Code

abstract class Animal
	abstract void makeSound();
abstract class Mammal extends Animal
	abstract void move();
class Dog extends Mammal
	void makeSound()
		System.out.println("Dog barks");
	void move()
		System.out.println("Dog runs");
public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Dog dog = new Dog();


Dog barks
Dog runs