Interfaces for Custom Exceptions in Java

Create a Java program to demonstrate the use of an interface for a custom exception

  • MyException is a custom exception class that extends Exception. It has a constructor to set the exception message.
  • ExceptionLogger is an interface with a single method logException(Exception e), which is responsible for logging exceptions.
  • Logger is a class that implements the ExceptionLogger interface. It provides an implementation for the logException method to print the exception message.
  • In the Main class, an instance of Logger is created and assigned to the ExceptionLogger interface.
  • Inside the try-catch block, a MyException is thrown with a custom message. When the exception is caught, the logException method of the logger object is called to log the exception message.

Source Code

class MyException extends Exception
	public MyException(String message)
interface ExceptionLogger
	void logException(Exception e);
class Logger implements ExceptionLogger
	public void logException(Exception e)
		System.out.println("Logging Exception : " + e.getMessage());
public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args)
		ExceptionLogger logger = new Logger();
			throw new MyException("Custom Exception");
		} catch (Exception e)


Logging Exception : Custom Exception

Example Programs