Write a Java program to check whether a queue is empty or not

The Java code defines a class named Check_EmptyNot that demonstrates how to check if a queue is empty or not using the isEmpty() method from the Queue interface. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:

  • Import statements: The code imports the necessary classes to work with queues and lists from the java.util package.
  • Check_EmptyNot class: This is the main class that contains the main method.
  • Queue instantiation: The code creates two queues, queue_list and emp_list, using the LinkedList class. One queue contains elements of type String, and the other contains elements of type Integer.
  • Adding elements to the first queue: The code adds some string elements to the queue_list using the add method.
  • Printing the first queue: The code prints the elements of the first queue using System.out.println.
  • Checking if the first queue is empty: The code uses the isEmpty() method to check if the queue_list is empty. The result is stored in the boolean variable isEmpty.
  • Printing the result for the first queue: Based on whether the queue is empty or not, the code prints the appropriate message.
  • Printing the second queue: The code prints the elements of the emp_list queue. This queue is empty since we haven't added any elements to it.
  • Checking if the second queue is empty: The code uses the isEmpty() method to check if the emp_list is empty again and stores the result in the boolean variable isEmpty.
  • Printing the result for the second queue: Based on whether the emp_list queue is empty or not, the code prints the appropriate message.

Source Code

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
public class Check_EmptyNot
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Queue <String> queue_list = new LinkedList <>();
		Queue <Integer> emp_list = new LinkedList <>();
		System.out.println("First Queue Elements : " + queue_list);
		// Check if the queue is empty
		boolean isEmpty = queue_list.isEmpty();
		if (isEmpty)
			System.out.println("The First Queue is Empty");
			System.out.println("The First Queue is Not Empty");
		System.out.println("Second Queue Elements : " + emp_list);
		isEmpty = emp_list.isEmpty();
		if (isEmpty)
			System.out.println("The Second Queue is Empty");
			System.out.println("The Second Queue is Not Empty");


First Queue Elements : [Yellow, Green, Pink, Black, Blue, White]
The First Queue is Not Empty
Second Queue Elements : []
The Second Queue is Empty

Example Programs